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>>> Kontaktieren Sie mich für Medical-Writing, Fachtexte, Medizinjournalismus, Redaktionelle Artikel: office(a)healthconcept.at
Viele weitere firmeninterne Texte, Folder, Zusammenfassungen etc. scheinen hier entsprechend der vereinbarten Zusammenarbeit natürlich nicht auf. Die nachfolgende Aufstellung gibt Ihnen einen Eindruck meiner Arbeitsweise & Resultate.
Kienbacher C (2023). „(Höhen-)Bergsteigen mit internistischen Vorerkrankungen“.
Kienbacher C / healthconcept.at (2023). Gilead – Hepatitis Round Table HDV Screening & HCV Elimination Project Update 2022.
Kienbacher C (2021). Budesonid zur Behandlung der Mikroskopischen Kolitis: Klinische und histologische Remission für mukosale Heilung. Positionspapier.
Kienbacher C, Reinisch W (2021). Zielgerichtete Therapie bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Arzt & Praxis. Diplom-Fortbildungsbeitrag (DFP)
Kienbacher C / healthconcept.at (2023). Gilead – Hepatitis Round Table: Upcoming Opportunities HDV. Update & HCV Elimination 2021.
Kienbacher C. (2021). GLP-1-Rezeptoragonisten: Spannungs-
feld zwischen Guidelines und Erstattung. DIABETES FORUM 1/21
Kienbacher C, Smolen J (2021). Konsensus: Sechs beachtenswerte
Aspekte beim Einsatz von Januskinase-Inhibitoren. Die Punkte – Rheumatologie. Diplom-Fortbildungsbeitrag (DFP)
Checkliste zum klinischen Einsatz von Januskinase-Inhibitoren (JAKi)
Kienbacher C, Reinisch W (2020). Das Treat-to-Target-Konzept
bei chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Die Punkte – Gastroenterologie. Diplom-Fortbildungsbeitrag (DFP)
Kienbacher C (2020). NAFLD-„Antifibrotika“ und Hepatitis-C-positive Spenderorgane. JATROS Infektiologie & Gastroenterologie-Hepatologie (1):26-27.
Kienbacher C (2020). Auf dem Weg zur Elimination des Hepatitis-C-Virus. Laufende österreichische Eliminationsprojekte. JATROS Infektiologie & Gastroenterologie-Hepatologie (1):Sonderdruck.
Kienbacher C, Schweitzer E (2020). Schmerztherapie und ihre Auswirkungen auf unterschiedliche Organsysteme . Die Punkte – Schmerz. Diplom-Fortbildungs-Beitrag (DFP)
Kienbacher C (2020). Auf dem Weg zur Elimination des Hepatitis-C-Virus – Laufende österreichische Eliminationsprojekte. JATROS Infektiologie & Gastroenterologie-Hepatologie (1):26-27.
Kienbacher C (2020). Mutaflor® und Yomogi®:
hochdosierte natürliche Darmgesundheit. Universum Innere Medizin (9):72.
Kienbacher C (2019). Die Evolution des Treat-to-Target-Konzeptes bei den Chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED) Morbus Crohn und Colitis Ulcerosa. Universum Innere Medizin (4):40.
Kienbacher C (2019). Therapie des entzündlich
bedingten Schmerzes mit NSAR. Universum Innere Medizin (9):80.
Kienbacher C (2019). Remissionsinduktion und
Erhaltungstherapie bei Colitis Ulcerosa. Universum Innere Medizin (3):81.
Kienbacher C (2019). EULAR 2019: Tozilizumab/RoActemra(r) „Vielversprechende Follow-up-Daten bei Riesenzellarteriitis“, Fakten der Rheumatologie, Supplementum (3):22-23.
Kienbacher C (2019). ÖGGH 2019: Nichtalkoholische Pankreaslipomatose und Fettlebererkrankung – „two of a kind?“ JATROS Infektiologie & Gastroenterologie-Hepatologie (3):6-7.
Kienbacher C (2019). ÖKG 2019: Klappenvitien im Fokus: Neue Daten zu Mitraclip und TAVI. JATROS Kardiologie & Gefäßmedizin (3):12-14.
Kienbacher C (2019). ERA-EDTA 2019: Management von Eisenmangel bei renaler Anämie. Nephro Script (3):30-31.
Kienbacher C (2019). 9. Kinder-Haut-Tag 2018: Ekzeme – profundes Wissen von Vorteil. JATROS Dermatologie & Plastische Chirurgie (1):10-14.
Kienbacher C (2018). AASLD 2018: Neue Therapieansätze für NAFLD und jede Menge Real-World Daten. Jatros Infektiologie und Gastroenterologie-Hepatologie. (4):48-50.
Kienbacher C, Ferlitsch A (2018). Diagnose und Therapie der Nicht-alkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung. Der Hausarzt.
Kienbacher C, Trauner M (2013). Neue Einblicke in die Bedeutung des Mikrobioms bei NASH. Gastro & Hepa News (2):25-33.
Kienbacher C, Trauner M (2012). „MicrObesity“ – Darm Mikrobiom und metabolische Erkrankungen: Erklärungsmodell, Präventions- und Therapieansatz. Nutrition-News (4):14-16.
Kienbacher C, Trauner M (2012). Rolle der Darmflora für die NASH. Abstract and Talk (Trauner M) Falk Gastro Forum 13.10.2012 University Clinic Regensburg.
Kienbacher C, Trauner M (2012). Die „Soft-Drink Epidemie“, metabolisches Syndrom und nicht-alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD): „Who is the bad guy“? Nutrition-News (1):1-5.
Kienbacher C, Traussnigg SA, Trauner M (2014). Nicht-alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung. In: Ernährung und Verdauung. 10. Auflage. Facultas Wien.
Kienbacher C, Traussnigg SA, Trauner M (2013). Nicht-alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung. In: Ernährung und Verdauung. 9. Auflage. Facultas Wien.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Die aktuellste Liste finden sie unter: Researchgate
Smajis S, Gajdošík M, Pfleger L, Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Halilbasic E, Ranzenberger-Haider T, Stangl A, Beiglböck H, Wolf P, Lamp T, Hofer A, Gastaldelli A, Barbierri C, Luger A, Trattnig S, Kautzky-Willer A, Krššák M, Trauner M, Krebs M. Metabolic effects of a prolonged, very-high-dose dietary fructose challenge in healthy subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz271. [Epub ahead of print]
Editorial: Tappy_AJCN_2020_Fructose_Editorial_to Smajis
Nejabat M, Leisser A, Karanikas G, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Mayerhöfer M, Kienbacher C, Trauner M, Hacker M, Haug AR. [11C]acetate PET as a tool for diagnosis of liver steatosis. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2018 Apr 11. doi: 10.1007/s00261-018-1558-4. [Epub ahead of print]
Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Gajdošík M, Valkovič L, Halilbasic E, Stift J, Rechling C, Hofer H, Steindl-Munda P, Ferenci P, Wrba F, Trattnig S, Krššák M, Trauner M. Ultra-high-field magnetic resonance spectroscopy in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Novel mechanistic and diagnostic insights of energy metabolism in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and advanced fibrosis. Liver Int. 2017 Oct;37(10):1544-1553. doi: 10.1111/liv.13451. Epub 2017 May 20. PMID: 28544208
Stättermayer AF, Traussnigg S, Aigner E, Kienbacher C, Huber-Schönauer U, Steindl-Munda P, Stadlmayr A, Wrba F, Trauner M, Datz C, Ferenci P. Low hepatic copper content and PNPLA3 polymorphism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients without metabolic syndrome. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2017 Jan; 39:100-107. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2016.08.006. Epub 2016 Aug 20. PMID: 27908400
Luger M, Kruschitz R, Kienbacher C, Traussnigg S, Langer FB, Prager G, Schindler K, Kallay E, Hoppichler F, Trauner M, Krebs M, Marculescu R, Ludvik B. Vitamin D3 Loading Is Superior to Conventional Supplementation After Weight Loss Surgery in Vitamin D-Deficient Morbidly Obese Patients: a Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Obes Surg. 2017 May;27(5):1196-1207. doi: 10.1007/s11695-016-2437-0. PMID: 27837387
Kruschitz R, Luger M, Kienbacher C, Trauner M, Klammer C, Schindler K, Langer FB, Prager G, Krebs M, Ludvik B. The Effect of Roux-en-Y vs. Omega-Loop Gastric Bypass on Liver, Metabolic Parameters, and Weight Loss. Obes Surg. 2016 Sep;26(9):2204-2212. doi: 10.1007/s11695-016-2083-6. PMID: 27003699
Luger M, Kruschitz R, Kienbacher C, Traussnigg S, Langer FB, Schindler K, Würger T, Wrba F, Trauner M, Prager G, Ludvik B. Prevalence of Liver Fibrosis and its Association with Non-invasive Fibrosis and Metabolic Markers in Morbidly Obese Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency. Obes Surg. 2016 Oct;26(10):2425-32. doi: 10.1007/s11695-016-2123-2. PMID: 26989059
Luger M, Kruschitz R, Marculescu R, Haslacher H, Hoppichler F, Kallay E, Kienbacher C, Klammer C, Kral M, Langer F, Luger E, Prager G, Trauner M, Traussnigg S, Würger T, Schindler K, Ludvik B. The link between obesity and vitamin D in bariatric patients with omega-loop gastric bypass surgery – a vitamin D supplementation trial to compare the efficacy of postoperative cholecalciferol loading (LOAD): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2015 Aug 5;16:328. doi: 10.1186/s13063-015-0877-9.
Trauner M, Halilbasic E, Claudel T, Steinacher D, Fuchs C, Moustafa T, Pollheimer M, Krones E, Kienbacher C, Traussnigg S, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Munda P, Hofer H, Fickert P, Paumgartner G (2015). Potential of nor -Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Cholestatic and Metabolic Disorders. Dig Dis. 2015;33(3):433-9. doi: 10.1159/000371904. Epub 2015 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Bota S, Paternostro R, Etschmaier A, Schwarzer R, Salzl P, Mandorfer M, Kienbacher C, Ferlitsch M, Reiberger T, Trauner M, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Ferlitsch A (2015). Performance of 2-D Shear Wave Elastography in Liver Fibrosis Assessment Compared with Serologic Tests and Transient Elastography in Clinical Routine. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 May 21. pii: S0301-5629(15)00312-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2015.04.013. [Epub ahead of print]
Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Halilbasic E, Rechling C, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Hofer H, Munda P, Trauner M. (2015) Challenges and Management of Liver Cirrhosis: Practical Issues in the Therapy of Patients with Cirrhosis due to NAFLD and NASH. Dig Dis. 2015;33(4):598-607. Epub 2015 Jul 6.
Staufer K, Scherzer TM, Miehsler W, Reichhold D, Kienbacher C, Ferenci-Förster D, Hagmann M, Ferenci P, Moser G. (2015). Self-reported need for psychotherapy predicts interferon-induced depression in hepatitis C – stratification for interferon-free treatment. Antivir Ther. 2015 Jan 9. doi: 10.3851/IMP2931. [Epub ahead of print]
Valkovič L, Gajdošík M, Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Wolf P, Chmelík M, Bogner W, Krebs M, Trauner M, Trattnig S, Krššák M (2014). Assessment of hepatic metabolism by fast and localized 31P MRS saturation transfer at 7T: reproducibility and first clinical application in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. European Radiology 2014 Jul;24(7):1602-9. doi: 10.1007/s00330-014-3141-x. Epub 2014 Mar 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Trauner M, Halilbasic E, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Kienbacher C, Staufer K, Traussnigg S, Hofer H (2014). Therapeutic Role of Bile Acids and Nuclear Receptor Agonists in Fibrosing Cholangiopathies. Digestive Diseases. Dig Dis. 2014;32(5):631-6. doi: 10.1159/000360517. Epub 2014 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Kienbacher C., Wakolbinger (nee Luger) M., Traussnigg S., Kruschitz R., Wuerger T., Schindler K., Ferlitsch A., Prager G., Ludvik B., Trauner M. Liver Fibrosis Stage at Baseline predicts Outcome of Metabolic Surgery. UEG Week 2019. Oct. 19.-23., 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
Kienbacher C., Wakolbinger (nee Luger) M., Traussnigg S., Kruschitz R., Wuerger T., Schindler K., Ferlitsch A., Prager G., Ludvik B., Trauner M. Use of Fibroscan(TM) for the risk stratification of morbidly obese patients undergoing metabolic Surgerry. Digestive Disease Week 2019. May 18.-21., San Diego, California, USA, Gastroenterology 156(6):S-1168, DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(19)39890-7.
Kienbacher C, Traussnigg S, Halilbasic E, Fuchs CD, Dolak W, Steindl-Munda P, Stojakovic T, Fauler G, Claudel T, Forster M, Heinsen F-A, Rühlemann M, Franke A, Trauner M. Bloom of Fecal Megamonas after a 4 week high oral fructose challenge Disturbs energy and lipid metabolism: Linking diet to microbiota, bile acid and host metabolism alterations. Oral presentation at the Digestive Disease Week. May. 22-24, 2016, San Diego, California, USA.
Kienbacher C, Luger M, Kruschitz R, Traussnigg S, Langer F, Schindler K, Würger T, Prager G, Ludvik B, Trauner M. Prevalence of Liver Fibrosis, Non-Invasive Liver Fibrosis Markers and Metabolic Signatures Among Morbidly Obese Patients. Oral presentation at the Digestive Disease Week May 22-24, 2016, San Diego, California, USA.
Kienbacher C, Dolak W, Traussnigg S, Steindl-Munda P, Oettl K, Stadlbauer-Köllner V, Knapp S, Vogelsang H, Trauner M. Metabolic disturbances after fructose overconsumption are not linked to intestinal permeability in healthy young volunteers. International Liver Congress: 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of the liver 2015; 22.-26. April 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Kienbacher C, Dolak W, Traussnigg S, Steindl-Munda P, Oettl K, Stadlbauer-Köllner V, Knapp S, Vogelsang H, Trauner M. Role of intestinal permeability for metabolic disturbances after fructose overconsumption. Oral presentation at the Digestive Disease Week May 3-6, 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Kienbacher C, Traussnigg S, Halilbasic E, Fuchs C, Dolak W, Steindl-Munda P, Stojakovic T, Fauler G, Claudel T, Trauner M (2014). Disturbed energy metabolism and lipid profile after a 4 week high oral fructose challenge: potential role of bile acids? Poster presentation at the Keystone Symposium “Lipid Pathways in Biology and Disease” (C3), March 19-24, 2014, Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland.
Fuchs CD, Kienbacher C, Kershaw EE, Claudel T, Trauner M. (2014) Impaired PPARa signalling influences bile acid homeostasis and inflammation in ATGL liver KO mice. Poster presentation at the Keystone Symposium “Lipid Pathways in Biology and Disease” (C3), March 19-24, 2014, Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland.
Kienbacher C, Lorant D, Traussnigg S, Haslacher H, Steindl-Munda P, Krebs M, Schernthaner G, Trauner M. Handling an oral glucose load after a 4 week oral high fructose challenge and its impact on Fetuin-A. Poster presentation at the International Liver Congress: 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of the liver, April 9-13 2014, London, United Kingdom.
Kienbacher C, Traussnigg S, Halilbasic E, Fuchs C, Dolak W, Steindl-Munda P, Stojakovic T, Fauler G, Claudel T, Trauner M (2014). Disturbed energy metabolism and lipid profile after a 4 week high oral fructose challenge: possible role of bile acids. Poster presentation at the International Liver Congress: 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of the liver, April 9-13 2014, London, United Kingdom.
Staufer K, Stauber R, Theek C, Amersdorfer P, Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Steindl-Munda P, Schulz-Knappe P, Trauner M. AUTOANTIBODY SIGNATURES FOR NON-INVASIVE DIAGNOSIS OF NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE. Submitted to the 2nd Austrian Biomarker Symposium 31.03-01.04. 2014 in Vienna.
Bota S, Paternostro R, Salzl P, Mandorfer M, Kienbacher C, Ferlitsch M, Reiberger T, Trauner M, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Ferlitsch A. Comparison between 2D-Real Time Shear Wave-Elastography (2D-SWE) and simple serological scores for liver fibrosis assessment for clinical routine, considering transient elastography (TE) as reference method. Submitted to The International Liver Congress: 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of the liver, April 9-13 2014, London, United Kingdom.
Bota S, Sporea I, Paternostro R, Gradinaru-Tascau O, Mandorfer M, Sirli R, Kienbacher C, Popescu A, Ferlitsch A, Peck-Radosavljevic M. The usefulness of spleen stiffness evaluated by 2D-Real Time Shear Wave-Elastography (2D-SWE) for assessing liver fibrosis. Submitted to The International Liver Congress: 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of the liver, April 9-13 2014, London, United Kingdom.
Gajdošík M, Kienbacher C, Valkovič L, Chmelík M, Traussnigg S, Krebs M, Trauner M, Trattnig S, Krššák M. Multinuclear in vivo MRS assessment of fructose induced changes on choline and lipid liver metabolism. Submitted to the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 10-16 May, 2014, Milan, Italy.
Kienbacher C, Gajdosik M, Krebs M, Traussnigg S, Dolak W, Steindl-Munda P, Trattnig S, Krssak M, Trauner M (2013). Impact of a 4 week oral high fructose challenge (FC) on intrahepatic lipid composition and ATP homeostasis in healthy volunteers assessed by high-field 3.0-Tesla 1H and 31P-MR spectroscopy (MRS) and its potential link to Lipoprotein A (LPA). Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American association for the study of Liver Diseases (AASLD, Nov. 7-13th 2013, Washington D.C., USA).
Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Halilbasic E, Gajdošik M, Valkovič L, Chmelik M, Stift J, Hofer H, Steindl-Munda P, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Ferenci P, Ba-Ssalamah A, Wrba F, Krebs M, Trattnig S, Krššak M, Trauner M (2013). MR-Spectroscopy at 3.0- and 7.0-Tesla in NAFLD as in-vivo tool for monitoring changes in fat and energy metabolism with potential identification of NASH and advanced fibrosis. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American association for the study of Liver Diseases (AASLD, 2013, Nov. 7-13th Washington D.C., USA).
Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Weiß I, Hillebrand P, Hofer H, Trauner M (2013). Effect of the NAFLD lifestyle educational program (NALEP) in the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in clinical practice. Poster presentation at the 21st United European Gastroenterology Week 2013, October 12-16th, Berlin.
Kienbacher C, Gajdosik M, Traussnigg S, Krebs M, Dolak W, Steindl-Munda P, Trattnig S, Krssak M, Trauner M (2013). Impact of a 4 week high oral fructose challenge on intrahepatic lipid composition in healthy volunteers assessed by high-field 3.0-Tesla 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS). 9th Young Scientists Association (YSA) Symposium June, 19th – 20th 2013, Medical University of Vienna.
Traussnigg S, Halilbasic E, Kienbacher C, Gajdosik M, Valkovic L, Chmelik M, Stift J, Hofer H, Munda P, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Ferenci P, Ba-Ssalamah A, Wrba F, Krebs M, Trattnig S, Krssak M, Trauner M, FLIP (2013). High-field MR-spectroscopy in patients with NAFLD allows novel insights in altered hepatic lipid and energy metabolism with potential distinction of NASH and advanced fibrosis. Poster bei der 46. Jahrestagung & 24. Fortbildungskurs der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie (ÖGGH), 13.-15. Juni. 2013.
Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Halilbasic E, Weiß I, Hillebrand P, Hofer P, Trauner M (2013). Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in clinical practice – one year outpatient clinic and NAFLD Lifestyle Educational Program (NALEP) experience in Vienna. Poster bei der 46. Jahrestagung & 24. Fortbildungskurs der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie (ÖGGH), 13.-15. Juni 2013.
Traussnigg S, Halilbasic E, Kienbacher C, Gajdosik M, Valkovic L, Chmelik M, Stift J, Hofer H, Munda P, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Ferenci P, Ba-Ssalamah A, Wrba F, Krebs M, Trattnig S, Krssak M, Trauner M, FLIP (2013). High-field MR-spectroscopy in patients with NAFLD allows novel insights in altered hepatic lipid and energy metabolism with potential distinction of NASH and advanced fibrosis. Poster presentation at the 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver; EASL 2013; 24.-28. April 2013 Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Gajdošík M, Valkovič L, Chmelík M, Traussnigg S, Kienbacher C, Trauner M, Trattnig S, Krššák M (2013). In vivo investigation of choline compounds with 1H and 31P MRS in the patients with liver disorders. Poster at the 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; ISMRM 2013; 20.-26. April 2013 Salt Lake City, USA.
Gajdošík M, Valkovič L, Chmelík M, Traussnig S, Krebs M, Trauner M, Kienbacher C, Trattnig S, Krššák M (2013). Multinuclear MR Spectroscopy of the Liver. Talk MR Meeting Freudenstadt.
Traussnigg SA, Halilbasic E, Heinisch B, Stift J, Staufer K, Kienbacher C, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Hofer H, Steindl-Munda P, Wrba F, Ferenci P, Krebs M, Trattnig S, Krŝŝak M, Trauner M (2012). High- and ultra-high-field 3.0-T 1H- and 7.0-T 31P-MR spectroscopy prior to liver biopsy in patients with NAFLD allows non-invasive differentiation between fatty liver and NASH by profiling of hepatocellular lipid content and 31P metabolites. Poster Presentation on the 63rd annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease. (regarded as top 10% abstract)
Kienbacher C (2010). „Methamphetamine – Knocking on Europe’s door?” http://othes.univie.ac.at/12195/1/2010-10-06_0052538.pdf